2017 Year End Tax Planning
December is always a
good time to evaluate your tax situation and see what you can do to lower your
taxes. This year is no different but with
the potential tax reform it is more important than usual. With the recent
passage of tax reform bills in the house and the senate, Congress is now
working on what the final law will be.
We think it is likely that a tax reform bill will pass this year, but
there may not be a lot of time to react by the time the final law passes.

This article intends to address the most common things that
will affect individual taxpayers and their year-end tax planning for 2017.
One of the major changes in the tax law may be the
elimination of many itemized deductions that are allowed under current law. However,
the standard deduction will likely be doubled for most people. With this
change, it is predicted that the number of people who will be able to use itemized
deductions in 2018 and forward will decrease dramatically.
Specifically, the deduction for state and local income taxes
may be eliminated, the deduction for real estate property taxes may be capped
at $10,000, and the deduction for miscellaneous deductions over 2% of your
Adjusted Gross Income (“AGI”) may be eliminated (e.g. investment advisor fees,
tax preparation fees, unreimbursed business expenses, etc.). In addition, the deduction
for medical expenses over 10% of AGI could be eliminated, however, there is
talk that this deduction could remain.
The itemized deductions for mortgage interest, a limited amount of
property taxes and charitable donations will probably remain.
The standard deduction will probably increase from $12,700
for a married couple to $24,000, and the standard deduction for a single filer will
increase from $6,350 to $12,000. Starting next year, many people will not have
enough itemized deductions to reach these limits and will take the standard
deduction instead.
Another major change proposed in the House bill is the
elimination of the alternative minimum tax also known as the “AMT”.
One of the biggest items in the tax reform is lower tax
rates. In general, it appears that tax rates will be lowered across the board
for all levels of income.
Here are some basic
things you should consider doing before December 31, 2017 to prepare for the
ultimate tax reform:
Taxes: Consider paying all of your
2017 state tax liability before the end of this year. This includes your 4th
quarter state estimated tax payment and any estimated amount you might owe in
April next year for the 2017 tax year. If
you are subject to AMT in 2017, you may not get a federal benefit from paying
in 2017, but if the deduction is going away, you wouldn’t get a benefit in 2018
anyway. In addition, you may still benefit from the deduction on your 2017
state taxes.
Estate Taxes: Considering that there may be a $10,000 cap on the deduction for real estate taxes in the future, you may want to pay any remaining real property taxes for 2017
before year end. If you are subject to AMT in 2017, you may not get a benefit for
the deduction on your federal taxes. However, you may get a benefit on your
state tax return. It’s best to check with your tax advisor.
Contributions: Increase your charitable deductions in 2017 for future
years. One way to do this is to set up a
Donor Advised Fund (“DAF”) for charity.
You can donate as much as you want in 2017, subject to certain tax
deduction limits, and then have the DAF disburse funds to your desired charities
over the next several years. If you have
appreciated stock that you can donate, this is a double tax savings. You will be able to deduct the FMV of the
stock donated on your tax return and won’t be taxed on the capital gain.
itemized deductions: Consider paying your 2017 advisor fees and
unreimbursed business expenses before year end.
These include your unreimbursed business expenses for your job, tax
preparation fees, estate planning fees, and investment advisor fees. If your miscellaneous itemized deductions are
over 2% of your AGI, and you are not subject to the AMT, you will be able will
increase your 2017 deductions.
Interest: Consider paying your January 2018 mortgage payment just before
year end to deduct the interest portion of the January payment in 2017.
Conversions: Roth Conversions may be gone in 2018. If you want to do a Roth conversion or
increase your ordinary income in 2017 to match your itemized deductions, you
will have to do the conversion before 12/31/17.
expenses: If you own your own business consider accelerating your 2017
business expenses by prepaying some of your 2018 expenses before year end.
deferral: With tax rates looking like they will be lower next year, you may
want to consider, if possible, deferring any income into 2018.
deductions: The alimony deduction may be eliminated for divorces occurring
in 2018 and beyond. Divorce decrees
executed before 12/31/17 will be grandfathered and the alimony deductions will
continue to be deductible.
Stock Options (ISOs): In 2018, the
AMT may be eliminated. Under the current
law, when ISOs are exercised, the inherent gain on the stock is income for the AMT
if held for long term purposes. If there is no longer AMT, this will no longer
be an issue. So it would be best to wait
until 2018 or later to exercise your ISOs.
gains: The Senate bill proposes that
going forward, investment cost basis will be calculated using the First In,
First Out (FIFO) method rather than a Specific Identification method. You will no longer be able to choose which
specific shares will be sold. If you
have stock with lower and higher cost basis, you may want to sell the higher
cost basis stock before year end using the Specific Identification method. This
will leave only the lower cost basis shares remaining. At least you will have
reduced your position in that holding without triggering the much larger taxes
due than if you didn’t do this and had to sell some of the holding after 2017. The
remaining unrealized capital gains could remain in your portfolio for the long
term and your heirs would receive a “stepped up” basis at death.
This article is a summary of our current thoughts on the proposed
new tax law and does not necessarily cover everything that may apply. Your
individual circumstances will matter, and you should consult your advisors
regarding any of the above strategies. This article does not constitute tax or
legal advice.